Tao asked for a "Tweak & Croquet" tutorial. I don't have time right now to actually write one, but here's some sample code anyway. Using scripts is easy and useful, even without the Tweak GUI. Just use #startScript: to run some method as a script. Inside a script, you can use loops and anything you like, just throw in a wait to account for time. Like, to animate the color of a frame, you could use this method (just add it to your TeapotMorph ): animateColorFor: aFrame [ 0 to: 360 do: [:hue | aFrame material color: (Color h: hue s: 1.0 v: 1.0). self wait: 0.01] ] repeat This changes the color every 10 ms, and you can start it from the initializeDefaultSpace method: self startScript: #animateColorFor: withArguments: {someFrame}. Here is something that does not loop forever, but finishes after one cycle: jump: aFrame | v g | v := 0@1@0. g := 0@-0.05@0. [aFrame translation y >= 0] whileTrue: [ a...
Croquet, Squeak, etc