Milan just started a blog describing how to write activities in Squeak, see his first post. There are already a few of these, most notably the games by Robert Hirschfeld's students at the University of Potsdam, Germany. But so far the process is only documented in mailing list posts. Way to go, Milan!
A multi-player web app needs a backend, right? What if I told you, it doesn’t? Read on for how Croquet gets rid of servers running your multiplayer code. No, really . Instantaneous Shared Experiences is how we describe Croquet on our website. And while that excellently describes What Croquet does, as Croquet's Chief Architect, I wanted to share a bit about How we do that. So I wrote a Twitter thread . Here it is in blog form, slightly extended. Click the animation above if it does not play automatically Croquet lets you build completely client-side multi-user web apps. Read that again. Client-side. Multi-user. No I’m not kidding. I built it, I know it works. 😁 Croquet apps run completely client-side: are hosted as a static web site no server-side code needed no networking code needed Croquet is literally virtualizing the server: Instead of running code on a server (or in a serverless function) we run it as a virtual machine (VM) on each client. Croquet carefully control